sábado, 2 de abril de 2011

Oh my...

Humans need time to forgive,
And I need time to believe that he will forgive me.

Today I was trading messages with a friend of university and he said he wanted to meet him... A coffee he said. I want to take you and him to a coffee here in Palmela. It has the best coffee with creams in the country and you can talk to him and tell him you're sorry. It's all very beautiful and cute but I'm not feeling confident and I still cry in the inside when I remember the nasty things I said about him... I'm not ready, I'm scared and I'm afraid that I might loose him forever if I don't talk to him but I need time to adapt-ate the idea of talking to him again or trading messages with him again. This pain inside me needs to disappear... and fast!

segunda-feira, 28 de março de 2011

What a douche.

Toughs and brains are a powerful combination! 
So... Don't play with them.

Yeah... I was stupid enough to do that. I betrayed the ones I'd loved because of my anger, my childish behaviours. And now I'm pretty fucked up because I miss them so much I would give anything to erase that black day in the history of my life when I lost my one true friend, the one who always gave me advices ans the one who was always concerned about me... I'm such a stupid and a fool, I've got the wrong perspective of him 'cause I'm a idiot, I can't see the real meaning of friendship and all I'm concerned is me, me and me and never them, them and them. I've been a hypocrite son of a b*tch and I should never doubted of my friends confidence. I hate myself so badly ):

sexta-feira, 25 de março de 2011


Apesar do afastamento a parvoíce continua.

Eu já tinha especificado o meu arrependimento e dito que me afastaria por uns tempos a ver se a minha mente voltava ao normal depois daquele incidente e continuam a mandar-me mensagens e a convidar-me para "Festas de Vomitado" mesmo sabendo que eu não vou. Epah curem-se sinceramente... Além disso agora devo ser uma personagem do Harry Potter pois o meu nome não deve ser pronunciado. Olha aqui .|. é que vocês se deviam pronunciar -.-'

quarta-feira, 23 de março de 2011


I'm proud of who I am and the ones I love.

O meu coração está aos pulos, o meu corpo treme, a minha mente está em pânico pois a pessoa que eu considero o meu melhor amigo, o meu irmão por simpatia, finalmente se libertou de um poço sem fundo onde o medo e o preconceito reinam. 
Estou super orgulhoso de ti meu amor que corra tudo bem de hoje em diante